kk444555 一阶会员

关注: 23    |    粉丝: 35    |    积分: 328    |    威望: 0    |    访问: 3942
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:31 回答了问题
kk444555: Yes.Peptone is considered to be a critical raw material, whose origin (animal orvegetable) and source (supplier name and address) should be specified ...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:31 回答了问题
kk444555: Yes.If fish peptone is used in the fermentation process there is a potentialserious risk to public health if it is contaminated with high levels ofhis...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:25 回答了问题
kk444555: Calibration Determination校准决定An effective calibration program must firstidentify which items must be calibrated. The following items must becalibrated...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:17 回答了问题
How does FDA recommend data integrity problems be addressed?
kk444555: FDA encourages you to demonstrate that you have effectively remediated your problems by investigating to determine the problem’s scope and root causes...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:16 回答了问题
Is FDA allowed to look at electronic records?
kk444555: Yes. All records required under CGMP are subject to FDA inspection. This applies to records generated and maintained on computerized systems, includin...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:15 回答了问题
Should personnel be trained in preventing and detecting data integrity issues
kk444555: Yes. Training personnel to prevent and detect data integrity issues is consistent with the personnel requirements under §§ 211.25 and 212.10, which st...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:14 回答了问题
Can an internal tip or information regarding a quality issue, such as potential data falsification,
kk444555: No. Regardless of intent or how or from whom the information was received, suspected or known falsification or alteration of records required under pa...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:13 回答了问题
Is it acceptable to only save the final results from reprocessed laboratory chromatography?
kk444555: No. Analytical methods should be accurate and precise.16 For most lab analyses, reprocessing data should not be regularly needed. If chromatography is...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:11 回答了问题
hy has FDA cited use of actual samples during “system suitability”?
kk444555: FDA prohibits sampling and testing with the goal of achieving a specific result or to overcome an unacceptable result (e.g., testing different samples...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:07 回答了问题
When does electronic data become a CGMP record?
kk444555: When generated to satisfy a CGMP requirement, all data become a CGMP record.14 You must document, or save, the data at the time of performance to crea...
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