曾经看过几个不同公司的设计开发控制程序文件,虽然不能千篇一律的说这个文件有问题,但是其实最大的问题就在于,这个文件根本就不是设计、开发控制的专业管理人员起草的。何谓“专业管理人员”,作为一个设计、开发的专业管理人员,要有项目管理的经验,知道设计、开发控制的整体流程,控制节点,知道资源的分配,资源的管理,包括人、时间、金钱,知道何时何地,该进行何样的管理审核,知道在设计开发中不同部门承担的角色,也就是我们所说的“职责和权限”,然后才是针对公司具体的产品的设计、开发特点制定详细的过程实施策划和控制。 文件是否能够得以有效实施,关键在于他适合与否,试问你设计、开发的专业管理人员人员不去起草该程序,硬是撇给质量人员来完成,这样的文件你能用吗? 连你们自己都不知道怎么管设计、开发流程的话,你们如何进行控制呢?既然制定了流程了,何以又种种借口不去执行呢?是否觉得限制了你的自由?没有规矩不成方圆,随都希望轻轻松松干活又不用人管,没人约束。这样行吗?弄个东西出来就牛上天了,所有的一切都得别人擦屁股,你还好意思牛?重视起来吧,不要拿着高层当挡箭牌,体考中很多都是因为设计开发导致的缺陷项,因为你们没有按正规的流程来,所以一堆窟窿出来后的必然结果就是体考这有问题那有问题。具体该如何写这个程序文件我们下边会展开来说的,切不可拿法规的条款顺序当作你的设计开发程序的流程。第二十八条 企业应当建立设计控制程序并形成文件,对医疗器械的设计和开发过程实施策划和控制。
美国820英文原文: “Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain plans that describe or reference the design and development activities and define responsibility for implementation. The plans shall identify and describe the interfaces with different groups or activities that provide, or result in, input to the design and development process. The plans shall be reviewed, updated, and approved as design and development evolves.” 每个制造商应当建立和维护一个描述或包括设计和开发活动以及定期实施职责的策划书。策划书应当界定和描述内部为设计开发所设定的不同组别或活动之间的联系,这些活动包括输入、产生结果等。该策划随着设计和开发的推进进行审核、更新,并经批准。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: The organization shall plan and control the design and development of product. As appropriate, design and development planning documents shall be maintained and updated as the design and development progresses. 组织应当策划和控制产品的设计和开发。随着设计和开发的开展,设计和开发的计划文件应适当的进行维护和更新。 During design and development planning, the organization shall document: 在设计和开发策划期间,组织应当文件化: a) the design and development stages; 设计和开发的阶段 b) the review(s) needed at each design and development stage; 每个设计和开发阶段所需的审核; c) the verification, validation, and design transfer activities that are appropriate at each design and development stage; 适用于每个设计和开发阶段的确认、验证和设计转换活动; d) the responsibilities and authorities for design and development; 设计和开发的职责和权限。 e) the methods to ensure traceability of design and development outputs to design and development inputs; 保证设计和开发输入和输出的追溯性的方法。 f) the resources needed, including necessary competence of personnel. 所需的资源,包括必须的有经验的人员。 可以说明问题了吧,那么你的设计开发策划书知道该写什么了吧,或者说知道应该是个什么东西了吧。第二十九条 在进行设计和开发策划时,应当确定设计和开发的阶段及对各阶段的评审、验证、确认和设计转换等活动,应当识别和确定各个部门设计和开发的活动和接口,明确职责和分工。
美国820英文原文: Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that the design requirements relating to a device are appropriate and address the intended use of the device, including the needs of the user and patient. The procedures shall include a mechanism for addressing incomplete, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements. The design input requirements shall be documented and shall be reviewed and approved by a designated individual(s). The approval, including the date and signature of the individual(s) approving the requirements, shall be documented. 每个制造商应当建立和维护一个程序来保证与设备相关的设计要求符合设备预期使用,包括病人和使用者的需求。该规程应当包括一个能够处理不完整、不明确、矛盾需求的途径。设计输入的需求应当指定人员进行记录,并审核和批准。该批准(其中包括批准需求的人员的签字和日期)应当予以记录。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: Inputs relating to product requirements shall be determined and records maintained (see 4.2.5). These inputs shall include: 与产品需求相关的输入应当被确定,记录应当被保留。输入应当包括: a) functional, performance, usability and safety requirements, according to the intended use;功能性、操作性、可用性和安全性需求,依据预期的用途。 b) applicable regulatory requirements and standards; 适用的法律法规要求和标准; c) applicable output(s) of risk management; 风险管理适用的输出 d) as appropriate, information derived from previous similar designs; 如果适用,来源于以往相同设计的信息; e) other requirements essential for design and development of the product and processes. 针对产品和过程设计和开发所需的其他必要需求; These inputs shall be reviewed for adequacy and approved. 应对这些输入的充分性进行审核,并批准。 Requirements shall be complete, unambiguous, able to be verified or validated, and not in conflict with each other. 要求必须完整,明确,能够确认或验证,并不相互产生冲突。 是不是法规高度浓缩了这两个标准的相关要求,如果按ISO的是不是就知道输入应该至少有哪些内容了对吧。第三十条 设计和开发输入应当包括预期用途规定的功能、性能和安全要求、法规要求、风险管理控制措施和其他要求。对设计和开发输入应当进行评审并得到批准,保持相关记录。
美国820英文原文: Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures for defining and documenting design output in terms that allow an adequate evaluation of conformance to design input requirements. Design output procedures shall contain or make reference to acceptance criteria and shall ensure that those design outputs that are essential for the proper functioning of the device are identified. Design output shall be documented, reviewed, and approved before release. The approval, including the date and signature of the individual(s) approving the output, shall be documented. 每个制造商应当确定和维护一个程序,用于界定和记录设计输出,从而给予一个符合设计输入要求的充分评估。设计输出规程应当包含或考虑可接受标准并且应保证这些设计输出得以确定。因为这些输出对设备正常运作来说非常重要。设计输出应当文件化,并在其放行前得以审核和批准。该批准(其中包括批准输出的人员的签字和日期)应当予以记录。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: Design and development outputs shall: 设计和开发输出应当包括: a) meet the input requirements for design and development; 符合设计和开发输入的要求; b) provide appropriate information for purchasing, production and service provision; 提供适应的采购、生产和服务信息 c) contain or reference product acceptance criteria; 包含或涉及引用的可接收标准; d) specify the characteristics of the product that are essential for its safe and proper use. 描述产品安全和正常使用所必须的产品特性。 The outputs of design and development shall be in a form suitable for verification against the design and development inputs and shall be approved prior to release. 设计和开发的输出应当符合设计和开发的输入要求,并在最后放行前得到批准。 Records of the design and development outputs shall be maintained (see 4.2.5). 应保留设计和开发输出的记录。(详见4.2.5) 新版的ISO和美国820都强调了“设计和开发的输出应当符合设计和开发的输入要求,并在最后放行前得到批准。”所以从这点看来输出的审核要比其他的审核都要来的慎重,要充分重视,否则有的忙了对吧。就给你输出个产品,其他的都没输出,这不是输出,对吧。一定要在这个环节堵住了,否则后边一切工作都跟着乱。第三十一条 设计和开发输出应当满足输入要求,包括采购、生产和服务所需的相关信息、产品技术要求等。设计和开发输出应当得到批准,保持相关记录。
美国820英文原文: Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that the device design is correctly translated into production specifications. 每个制造商应当建立和维护一个程序来保证器械设计正确的转换成产品标准。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: The organization shall document procedures for transfer of design and development outputs to manufacturing. These procedures shall ensure that design and development outputs are verified as suitable for manufacturing before becoming final production specifications and that production capability can meet product requirements. 组织应当建立设计和开发输出到实现产品之间的转换程序。这些程序应当保证设计和开发输出得以验证,并在产品成为最终产品规格时适合于生产制造,并且产能与产品要求相适应。 Results and conclusions of the transfer shall be recorded (see 4.2.5). 转换的结论和结果应当予以记录(见4.2.5)。 这个怎么转换没有定式,什么时候转换也没有定式,有人认为在研发输出后转换,有人认为在拿到注册证后进行。笔者的观点更倾向于输出后,试生产前,其实就是我们经常说的小试到中试到大规模生产的一种过程。通过系列的操作做好了设计转换,你的试生产才放心。或者你干脆就拿试生产来进行设计的转换。要做充分了,别弄个小批量就糊弄了,到大规模生产时又抓瞎。第三十二条 企业应当在设计和开发过程中开展设计和开发到生产的转换活动,以使设计和开发的输出在成为最终产品规范前得以验证,确保设计和开发输出适用于生产。
美国820英文原文: Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that formal documented reviews of the design results are planned and conducted at appropriate stages of the device's design development. The procedures shall ensure that participants at each design review include representatives of all functions concerned with the design stage being reviewed and an individual(s) who does not have direct responsibility for the design stage being reviewed, as well as any specialists needed. The results of a design review, including identification of the design, the date, and the individual(s) performing the review, shall be documented in the design history file (the DHF). 每个制造商应当建立和维护一个规程用以保证在器械设计开发的相应阶段设计结果正式文件化的审核得以策划和实施。该规程应当保证在每次设计审核中的参与者都包括了设计阶段的所有职能的代表,在设计阶段中不负有直接责任的一些个人,以及所需的专家。设计审核的结果应当记录在设计历史文档中。这些结果包括设计识别、日期和实施审核的人员。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: At suitable stages, systematic reviews of design and development shall be performed in accordance with planned and documented arrangements to: 在适当的阶段,应当根据策划和文件化的安排实施系统的设计和开发审核。以便: a) evaluate the ability of the results of design and development to meet requirements; 评估设计和开发结果符合需求的能力; b) identify and propose necessary actions. 识别并提出必要的措施。 Participants in such reviews shall include representatives of functions concerned with the design and development stage being reviewed, as well as other specialist personnel. 审核人员应当包括设计和开发阶职能部门人员和其他专业人员。 Records of the results of the reviews and any necessary actions shall be maintained and include the identification of the design under review, the participants involved and the date of the review (see 4.2.5) 审核结果和任何必要的措施的相关记录应当予以保留,记录中包括审核下的设计识别、相关人员、审核的日期。(新增)(见4.2.5) 设计评审和审核怎么样,应该更清楚了吧,其实简单来讲就是一些专家人物的综合评估,但是一定不能是设计和开发自己部门人员自己搞。有些人想一言堂,那是不可能的。否则还要其他职能部门干嘛,对吧。第三十三条 企业应当在设计和开发的适宜阶段安排评审,保持评审结果及任何必要措施的记录。
美国820英文原文: Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures for verifying the device design. Design verification shall confirm that the design output meets the design input requirements. The results of the design verification, including identification of the design, method(s), the date, and the individual(s) performing the verification, shall be documented in the DHF. 每个制造商应当建立和维护一个程序用于验证器械的设计。设计验证应当证明设计输出符合设计输入要求。设计验证的结果应当记录在设计历史文档中。这些结果包括设计识别、方法学、日期和实施审核的人员。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: Design and development verification shall be performed in accordance with planned and documented arrangements to ensure that the design and development outputs havemet the design and development input requirements. 设计和开发验证应当依据策划好的和文件化的方案来实施,从而保证设计和验证的输出能够符合设计和验证输入的要求。 The organization shall document verification plans that include methods, acceptance criteria and, as appropriate, statistical techniques with rationale for sample size. 组织应当建立验证计划,包括方法、接受标准、如果可以,样本大小的统计技术。(新增) If the intended use requires that the medical device be connected to, or have an interfacewith, other medical device(s), verification shall include confirmation that thedesign outputs meet design inputs when so connected or interfaced. 如果医疗器械的预期用途与其他医疗器械相连或有接口,当这样相连或接口时,验证应当包括设计输出满足设计输入的证明。(新增) Records of the results and conclusions of the verification and necessary actions shall be maintained (see 4.2.4 and 4.2.5). 所有验证结论和结果以及必要的措施的记录都应当予以保留。(见4.2.4和4.2.5) 再次强调一次啊,培训时老师曾经明确告知,现在的“验证(verification)”就是注册检验。其实就是我们经常说的过程确认,但是大家记得过程确认(process validation),其实真正的翻译是工艺验证。怎么说了,最近国家局培训老师也强调了,药品和器械的确认和验证正好反过来了。还是请大家多留意吧,不管怎么说其实就是都要通过连续三批次的证明行的操作、检测来得到符合你质量标准的一种行为就对了。第三十四条 企业应当对设计和开发进行验证,以确保设计和开发输出满足输入的要求,并保持验证结果和任何必要措施的记录。
第三十五条 企业应当对设计和开发进行确认,以确保产品满足规定的使用要求或者预期用途的要求,并保持确认结果和任何必要措施的记录。
美国820英文原文: Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures for validating the device design. Design validation shall be performed under defined operating conditions on initial production units, lots, or batches, or their equivalents. Design validation shall ensure that devices conform to defined user needs and intended uses and shall include testing of production units under actual or simulated use conditions. Design validation shall include software validation and risk analysis, where appropriate. The results of the design validation, including identification of the design, method(s), the date, and the individual(s) performing the validation, shall be documented in the DHF. 每个制造商应当建立和维护一个程序用于验证器械的设计。设计确认应当在规定的条件下(最初的产品、批次或其等价物)进行。设计确认应当保证器械符合之前界定好的使用者需求和预期使用要求,设计确认应当包括在实际或等效的使用条件下的产品单元的测试。设计确认应当包括适当的软件验证和风险分析。包括设计的确定、方法学、日期、实施确认的人员的设计确认结果应当记录在设计历史文档中。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: Design and development validation shall be performed in accordance with planned and documented arrangements to ensure that the resulting product is capable of meeting the requirements for the specified application or intended use. 设计和开发确认应当依据策划好的和文件化的方案来实施,从而保证产品能够满足规适用要求或预期用途的要求。 The organization shall document validation plans that include methods, acceptance criteria and, as appropriate, statistical techniques with rationale for sample size. 组织应当建立确认计划包括方法、接受标准、如果可以,样本大小的统计技术。(新增) Design validation shall be conducted on representative product. Representative product includes initial production units, batches or their equivalents. The rationale for the choice of product used for validation shall be recorded(see 4.2.5). 设计确认应当用代表性的产品加以实施。代表性的产品包括初始产品单位、批量或其等价物。应当记录选择用于验证产品的统计技术。(见4.2.5) As part of design and development validation, the organization shall perform clinical evaluations or performance evaluations of the medical device in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. 作为设计和开确认证的一部分,组织应当一句相应的法律法规实施临床评价或性能评价。 A medical device used for clinical evaluation or performance evaluation is not considered to be released for use to the customer. 用于临床评价或性能评价的医疗器械不可以放行为客户使用。 If the intended use requires that the medical device be connected to, or have an interface with, other medical device(s), validation shall include confirmation that the requirements for the specified application or intended use have been met when so connected or interfaced. 如果医疗器械的预期用途与其他医疗器械相连或有接口,当这样相连或接口时,验证应当包括使用要求和预期用途已经得到符合的证明。 Validation shall be completed prior to release for use of the product to the customer. Records of the results and conclusion of validation and necessary actions shall be maintained(see 4.2.4 and 4.2.5). 在产品交付使用者之前确认应当实施完,确认的结果及任何必要措施的记录应予保留(见4.2.4和4.2.5)。 再次强调一次啊,培训时老师曾经明确告知,现在的“确认”就是临床。大家看到相应的英文原文其实理解法规就不那么晦涩了对吧。第三十六条 确认可采用临床评价或者性能评价。进行临床试验时应当符合医疗器械临床试验法规的要求。
美国820英文原文: Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures for the identification, documentation, validation or where appropriate verification, review, and approval of design changes before their implementation. 每个制造商应当建立和维护一个程序在变更实施前用以对设计变更进行相应的识别、记录、验证或相应的确认、审核和批准。 ISO13485-2016英文原文: The organization shall document procedures to control design and development changes. The organization shall determine the significance of the change to function, performance, usability, safety and applicable regulatory requirements for the medical device and its intended use. 组织应当建立程序来控制设计和开发的变更。组织应当确定医疗器械的功能、操作、可用性、安全性和适当的法规要求和它的预期用途变更的重要性。 Design and development changes shall be identified. Before implementation, the changes shall be: 设计和开发变更应当被确定。在实施前,变更应当: a) reviewed; 再审核 b) verified;确认 c) validated, as appropriate;适当的验证; d) approved.批准。 The review of design and development changes shall include evaluation of the effect of the changes on constituent parts and product in process or already delivered, inputs or outputs of risk management and product realization processes. 设计和开发变更的审核应当包括这些变更所产生的影响。这些变更包括过程中和已经交付产品和组件的变更、风险管理的输入和输出以及产品实现过程的变更。 Records of changes, their review and any necessary actions shall be maintained (see 4.2.5). 变更,变更的审核和任何必须的措施的记录都应当予以保留(见4.2.5) 设计变更不是在设计开发的随时都有可能发生,所以有效控制才是上策,否则想怎么改就怎么改,最后都不知道改了多少次,做了哪些变化,你如何控制输出满足输入要求呢?第三十七条 企业应当对设计和开发的更改进行识别并保持记录。必要时,应当对设计和开发更改进行评审、验证和确认,并在实施前得到批准。
风险管理啊,已经说的嘴皮子都破了。风险管理不是你一个风险报告就搞定的事情啊,在产品的所有阶段都要有风险管理,这样才能将产品风险、设计、开发风险降到最低。 (本文来源:医疗器械注册与临床)第三十八条 企业应当在包括设计和开发在内的产品实现全过程中,制定风险管理的要求并形成文件,保持相关记录。
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