资料分享|WHO TRS 1025 附录8 医用产品送达时剩余货架期

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WHO TRS 1025

Annex 8 附录8
Points to consider for setting the remaining shelf-life of medical products upon delivery
1. Introduction 概述
2. Scope 范围
3. Glossary 术语
4. The need for recommendations 建议需求
5. Remaining shelf-life 剩余货架期
References 参考文献
Further reading 扩展阅读
Appendix1 Example of minimum remaining shelf-life of medical products
附录1 医用产品最短剩余货架期举例

1. Introduction 概述
Following discussions relating to establishing a document for the remaining shelf- life of medical products upon delivery, and considering the discussion between the Interagency Pharmaceutical Coordination group (IPC) representatives, it was decided to initiate a project to establish a document on remaining shelf-life for procurement and supply of medical products.
The concept and project to establish such a document was also discussed during the meeting of the Fifty-third Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Products (ECSPP) in October 2018. It was noted that some guidance documents were available from different procurement agencies. It was agreed that the World Health Organization (WHO) would initiate the discussion and preparation of a document, while following the WHO process for the establishment of such a paper.
Information and policy on remaining shelf-life was collected from different agencies and interested parties and a first draft document was prepared after an informal discussion meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, in January 2019.
It was then agreed that the document should not cover only finished pharmaceutical products but should be extended to also cover other products, including, but not limited to, medical devices, vaccines and in vitro diagnostics (IVD) products. (These products are collectively referred to as “medical products” hereafter.)
A draft document was prepared and circulated to IPC members, as well as other interested parties, inviting comments. The comments received were reviewed during an informal discussion meeting in June 2019 and the draft document was updated.
The aims of this document are: 本文件目的在于:
■ to facilitate the national authorization of importation of medical products where applicable;
■ 便于国家批准医用产品进口(适用时);
■ to promote and support the efficient processing of medical products in the supply chain at all levels and thus prevent wastage because of delays;
■ 促进和支持供应链中医用产品在各层次的高效处理,从而防止因延误引起的浪费;
■ to assist in ensuring that there is sufficient stock of medical products, with acceptable remaining shelf life,in-country;
■ 有助于确保在国家内具备足够数据在可接受剩余货架期的医用产品库存;
■ to prevent dumping of medical products;
■ 防止医用产品倾销;
■ to ensure that barriers to access and supply of medical products are addressed;
■ 确保解决医用产品获取和供应障碍;
■ to prevent out-of-stock situations;
■ 预防库存不足;
■ to prevent receipt of donations of medical products that are not in accordance with this guideline; and
■ 预防不按本指南接收捐献医用产品,并且
■ to prevent having expired stock of medical products.
■ 预防库存医用产品过期。
The document is intended to provide guidance on setting the remaining shelf-life ofmedical products upon delivery and should be considered by all stakeholders in the supply chain of medical products. It is also recommended that the recommendations herein should be considered for inclusion in the national policy of countries.
2. Scope 范围
The principles contained in this document should be applied to medical products in the supply chain. This includes donated products (1).
This document focuses on remaining shelf-life and does not address details contained in other guidelines, guides and agreements between different parties in the supply chain.
As “kits” are made up of different products, and owing to certain specifics related to the shelf-life of kits, these are not included in the scope of this guideline. The principles contained in this guideline may, however, be used in considering the remaining shelf-life of items in a kit, as the expiry date of the kit can be short because of aspecific product in the kit.
All stakeholders, including national regulatory authorities, manufacturers, suppliers, donors and recipients, should consider the recommendations on remaining shelf-life contained in this document.
3. Glossary 术语
The definitions given below are taken from existing WHO guidelines, where available, or alternatively from other recognized guidelines.
A defined quantity of starting material, packaging material or product, processedin a single process or series of processes, so that it is expected to be homogeneous. It may sometimes be necessary to divide a batch into a number of sub-batches, which are later brought together to form a final homogeneous batch. In the case of terminal sterilization, the batch size is determined by the capacity of the autoclave. In continuous manufacture, the batch must correspond to a defined fraction of the production, characterized by its intended homogeneity. The batch size can be defined either as a fixed quantityor as the amount produced in a fixed time interval.
consignment (or delivery). 所送货物(或发运的货物)
The quantity of a medical product(s), made by one manufacturer and supplied at one time in response to a particular request or order. A consignment may compriseone or more packages or containers and may include material belonging to morethan one batch.
expiry date (or expiration date). 有效期
The date placed on the container or labels of a medical product designating the time during which it is expected to remain within established shelf-life specifications if stored under defined conditions, and after which it should not be used.
finished pharmaceutical product (FPP). 制剂产品(FPP)
A product that has undergone all stages of production, including packaging in its final container and labelling. An FPP may contain one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients.
install by date. 最迟安装日期
The date by which an instrument, device or other has to be installed.
All operations of purchase of materials and products, production, quality control, release, storage and distribution of medical products, and the related controls.
A company that carries out operations such as production, packaging, repackaging, labelling and relabelling of medical products.
marketing authorization (product licence, registration certificate).上市许可(产品许可、注册证)
A legal document issued by the competent medicines regulatory authority that establishes the detailed composition and formulation of the product and the pharmacopoeial or other recognized specifications of its ingredients and of the final product itself, and includes details of packaging, labelling and shelf-life.
manufacturer (IVD). 生产商(IVD)
Any natural or legal person with responsibility for design and/or manufacture of an IVD product with the intention of making it available for use, under his or her name, whether or not such an IVD product is designed and/or manufactured by that person him- or herself or on his or her behalf by (an) other person(s).
manufacturing date. 生产日期
The date of production of a batch is defined as the date that the first step is performed involving combination of the active ingredient with other ingredients. Where there are no other ingredients than an active ingredient, the date of the start of the processing or filling operation is considered as the date of production.
medical product. 医用产品
Products including, but not limited to, finished pharmaceutical products, medical devices, vaccines and IVD products.
pharmaceutical product. 药品
Any material or product intended for human or veterinary use presented in its finished dosage form, or as a starting material for use in such a dosage form, that is subject to control by pharmaceutical legislation in the exporting state and/or the importing state.
All operations involved in the preparation of a product, from receipt of materials, through processing, packaging and repackaging, labelling and relabelling, to completion of the finished product.
remaining shelf-life. 剩余货架期
Definedas the period remaining, from the date upon delivery, to the expiry date, retest date, install by date or other use before date established by the manufacturer.
retest date. 复验期
The date when a material should be re-examined to ensure that it is still suitable for use.
The period of time, from the date of manufacture, that a product is expected to remain within its approved product specification while handled and stored under defined conditions.
upon delivery. 送达时间
The date the medical product is delivered as specified, e.g. at the port, at the point in country after customs clearance, or at the end-user – and as defined in the agreement between relevant parties.

【译文仅供参考 翻译:JULIA】


WHO_TRS_1025 2020 附录8 设定药品送达时剩余货架期的考量要点.rar

发布于 2020-04-30 08:49


本文由 加菲 发布于 质量人 ,著作权归作者所有。


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