FAT: Factory acceptance test、工厂验收试验(FAT)
SAT: Site acceptance test、现场验收试验(SAT)
SIT: Site integration test、现场集成试验(SIT)
IEC/PAS 62381-2004 制造工业中自动化系统在工厂验收试验,场地验收试验和场地综合试验过程中的活动 Activities during the factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT), and site integration test (SIT) for automation systems in the process industry
标准类型: IEC/PAS
标准号: IEC/PAS 62381-2004
标准/规范中文名: 制造工业中自动化系统在工厂验收试验,场地验收试验和场地综合试验过程中的活动
标准/规范英文名: Activities during the factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT), and site integration test (SIT) for automation systems in the process industry
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