2016年,瑞士St. Gallen大学在开展FDA资助的一项研究发现OOS调查问题的一些线索。
领导这一研究项目的Thomas Friedli教授2018年11月7日在费城ISPE年会上所作的报告中,讨论了一个重要研究结果:就质量来讲,制药设施与其分析实验室并不总是处于同一条轨道上。Friedli表示,在差劲的工厂中可以有非常好的实验室,而在表现强劲的工厂中,也会有差劲的实验室。
The reportspoke of hundreds of cases in which OOS-results had been invalidated withoutscientific and traceable root-cause analysis because of human errors. It wasfurther considered a critical deficiency that the deviation and OOS management(including related protocol and review systems) was designed in a way so thatdiscrepancies were systematically not documented.
Your firm failed to thoroughly investigateout-of-specification (OOS) assay test results for your over-the-counter (b)(4)cream, lots (b)(4),(b)(4), and (b)(4). You retested the samples and invalidatedthe OOS results without any scientific justification.You released these lotsinto the U.S. market in September 2017.
In your response, you stated that your analystsfailed tofollow yourOOS checklist procedures. You committed to revising theapplicable procedures and retraining analysts.
Your response is inadequate because you did notextend thescope of your investigation to include a retrospective evaluation ofall OOS results that were invalidated without scientific justification. You didnot determine the root cause for the original OOS results or explain why youranalysts failed to follow your procedure.
In response to this letter, provide a summaryreport on the retrospective review of all invalidated OOS results obtained forproductsdistributed to the U.S. market. If your investigation reveals that youreleased drug products that did not meet specifications, indicate thecorrective actionsyou have taken or will take, such as notifying customers orrecalling products.
——韩国Kolmar Korea Co.Ltd.
Your OOS investigation numbers 310016652/310016653 for (b)(4) Tablets (b)(4)mg batches (b)(4)/ (b)(4) initiated January 7, 2019 and closed (b)(4), identified the root cause for OOS assay results as analyst used the incorrect diluent. You did not thoroughly evaluate other tests performed by this analyst by verifying the accuracy of results reported by this analyst. Your CAPA plan did not include verification of the accuracy of other results reported by this analyst. You concluded in your Impact Assessment you “Verified the concern analyst previous analysis and no OOS/OOT results derived due to analytical error. Hence there is no impact on the previous analysis of concern analyst”. Your verification consisted of confirming this analyst was not associated with other OOS/OOT investigations. Alltests and results performed by this analyst are suspect until you verify the accuracy of the results reported by this analyst. You do not have data showing you tested and confirmed samples tested by this analyst are within the known variance of the test procedure and that the results reported by this analystare reliable.
Your OOS 310016465 documents out of specification assay results for (b)(4) Capsules USP (b)(4)mg batch (b)(4) during six-month long-term stability study conditions. You have been utilizing an in-house test method which you validated February 2008. That method requires use of (b)(4) capsules to be dissolved in (b)(4)ml of solution (b)(4) micrograms/ml. You performed hypothesis testing as part of this OOS investigation and changed the method to utilize (b)(4) capsules dissolved in (b)(4) ml of solution((b)(4) micrograms/ml). Results obtained from this hypothesis testing,utilizing a different concentration from your original method, were within specification. Rather than testing the other (b)(4) batches on the U.S. market, you conducted an impact assessment. You do not have a scientifically valid reason for recalculating the results of the previously tested, approved and shipped batches. You have not verified your original in-house test method nor the un-validated method you used to conduct analyses for (b)(4)mg strength (b)(4) Capsules USP are at least equivalent to the USP monograph method. Additionally, there are currently no less than (b)(4) batches of the (b)(4)mg strength of (b)(4) Capsules USP on the U.S. Market and you have not performed the comparison test between the USP monograph method and your in-house method utilized to test,approve and ship batches of that strength of the drug product.
你们的OOS 310016465记录了某胶囊6个月长期稳定性试验中含量OOS。你们使用的是2008年2月验证过的内控方法。该方法要使用XX粒胶囊溶于XXML的XX微生物/ML的溶液中。你们进行了假设性测试,作为此OOS调查的一部分,并修改了方法将XX粒胶囊溶于XXML的XX微生物/ML的溶液中。该方法修订了原始方法中的浓度,所得结果符合质量标准。你们没有检测美国市场上有其它XX批次,只是进行了影响性评估。你们没有科学有效理由来重新计算原来检测并批准发货的批次的结果。你们未验证你们原来的内控方法,亦未验证你们用来分析某胶囊的方法至少等同于USP各论方法。另外,目前美国市场上至少有XX批次该胶囊,你们没有将你们用于检测、批准和发货批次的内控方法与USP各论方法进行对比检测。
——Dr.Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd
Your firm rejected (b)(4) batch (b)(4) for assayfailure on October 23, 2015. You opened an investigation the same day andsubsequently closed the investigation a few months later on March 20, 2016. Youdetermined the root cause of the failure to be (b)(4) from the (b)(4)in March,2016, but as of our December 2017 inspection, more than two years after thefailure, you had not implemented a corrective action to address the root causeyou identified. In the interim, your quality unit released at least (b)(4)batches of finished (b)(4) API.
Your response stated that you will reopen theinvestigation into this failure. You also stated that the (b)(4) subsequentlyreleased batches met specifications, and analytical trends were consistent withpreviously manufactured batches. However, you failed to include data supportingthis statement.
In your response to this letter, provide a detailedsummaryof your investigations. Assess the risk of your decision to manufactureand release an additional (b)(4) batches even though you had not implementedany corrective action to resolve the problem your own investigation identifiedas the root cause for batch (b)(4)’s assay failure. Include any additionalsampling and testing you performed between October 25, 2015, and December 2017to support your release decisions.
In addition, provide an action plan with timeframesfor a global assessment of your corrective actions performed over the pastthreeyears. Ensure this assessment identifies all investigations and thecorrective actions and preventive actions that you initiated in response toyour investigation findings, and that it shows how you determined that youexpanded your investigations to other potentially affected batches.
Your quality unit released (b)(4) batch (b)(4)onApril 30, 2015, despite a total aerobic count of greater than (b)(4) colonyforming units/gram (CFU/g). The specification is less than (b)(4)CFU/g. Yousold this batch of (b)(4) to a firm that manufactures sterile finished drugproducts used to treat (b)(4) patients in the United States.
When you observed the failing result on April 15,2015, you initiated an out-of-specification (OOS) investigation. When youclosed the investigation on April 24, 2015, you concluded, without adequateevidence, that a biohazard cabinet was a potential source of contamination andreleased the batch.
Your response stated that you revised your SOP forhandling OOS results to clarify resampling and retesting. However, the rootcause you identified lacked scientific justification, and you did not provideevidencethat supported your release of batch (b)(4).
In your response to this letter, assess the risksof your decision to release batch (b)(4) despite the microbiological testfailure and despite the inadequacy of your investigation into the cause of thefailure. Provide your plans for addressing product quality and patient safetyrisks for any drugs still in distribution, including potential recalls ormarketwithdrawals. Provide an updated OOS procedure that requires the speciation ofmicrobes found as a result of any microbial analysis.
Your firm frequently invalidatedinitialout-of-specification (OOS) laboratory results without an adequateinvestigationthat addressed potential manufacturing causes.
A. AssayFailure
While conducting component release testing on (b)(4)activepharmaceutical ingredient (API) batch (b)(4), your firm obtaineda failing assayresult of (b)(4)% (specification (b)(4)% to (b)(4)%).
Data from the investigation demonstrated thatmultipleretest results were comparable to the initial OOS result. Initialretestsyielded four results ranging from (b)(4)% to (b)(4)%. Theseresultsincluded a freshly prepared sample, which tested at (b)(4)%.
A second analyst tested a new set of samplesandobtained results including (b)(4)%, (b)(4)%, and (b)(4)%.You then performedthe test again. Only the last samples yielded significantlydifferent assayresults ((b)(4)–(b)(4)%).
Despite the findings of multiple values close totheoriginal OOS value, your firm invalidated the initial failing result,statingthat the initial result “shall be considered an outlier and retestresults shallbe reported as final results.” Although the investigation failedto identify aconclusive laboratory root cause, you did not conduct anevaluation of yoursupplier, and reported an average result for batch release.
It is not appropriate to use an “outlier test”toinvalidate your API assay result. Such statistical treatments do not identifythecause of an extreme observation, and are only of informational use inaninvestigation of chemical testing. Further, in this case, yourinvestigationincluded multiple retests that were the same or very similar tothe originalOOS result.
Our inspection also revealed additionalinappropriateuses of outlier testing. Your firm released other raw materialsand drugproduct batches by retesting and concluding that the original OOSresult was an“outlier.”
We acknowledge your firm’s change control onJanuary18, 2017, to remove the outlier test in your Handling of OutofSpecification Test Results standard operating procedure (SOP). Youalsoreversed your original decision to release(b)(4) batch (b)(4),and have nowrejected it. However, your response did not address API qualityissues that mayhave caused the low assay, and lacked an adequate reassessmentof the otherbatches released with the outlier test.
B. Content Uniformity Failure
Your investigation of content uniformity OOSresultsfor (b)(4) mg tablets for batch (b)(4) was inadequate. Twoindividualunits and the acceptance value (AV) were OOS for this batch, whichwas anexhibit batch filed in your (b)(4).
The initial assessment of the OOS results foundnoevidence of laboratory error by the analyst. Retests from stock solutionandre-sonicated samples yielded results consistent with the original OOSresults,and ruled out improper sonication and dilution error as root causes.Althoughthe investigation did not demonstrate a conclusive assignable cause,yousurmised that the “probable laboratory error” was inadequate cleaning of the(b)(4)shaft by the analyst. You then invalidated the initial OOS results andreportedtest results from a new set of (b)(4) units that passedspecifications.Your firm’s investigation indicated that this “confirmed” thatthere was alaboratory error.
When an investigation lacks conclusive evidenceoflaboratory error, a thorough investigation of potential manufacturingcausesmust be performed. The test of(b)(4) units for content uniformityisintended to represent different parts of a batch, and to help detectifportions of the batch are non-uniform. Your acceptance of the resultsfromtesting a new set of (b)(4) units based on an unproven hypothesiswasinsufficient to conclude the investigation. In addition to furtherlaboratoryinvestigation, your firm should have identified possiblemanufacturing causesand more extensively characterized uniformity of the batch.
Insufficient cleaning of the (b)(4) shaft wasalsocited in a previous investigation as the presumed root cause of OOScontentuniformity results for batch (b)(4) of(b)(4) mg tablets.A different analystperformed that test, and your corrective action andpreventive action (CAPA)plan required retraining staff.
In your response, you indicate that SOP CQA-063AnalystQualification has been revised to state that “if (b)(4) times errorisrepeated then the analyst shall be requalified on the specificanalyticaltechnique.” However, your response did not sufficiently addressimprovements inyour quality system that will ensure that flaws in writtenlaboratoryprocedures and analytical equipment will be corrected.
在你们的回复中,你们说SOP CQA-063“化验室资格确认”已进行了修订,声明“如果错误重复XX次,则该分析员应对某项分析技术重新进行资格确认”。但是,你们的回复中并未充分说明对你们质量体系的改进,以确保会纠正书面的化验室程序和分析设备中的缺陷。
——Lupin Goa
Your firm invalidated initial OOS laboratoryresultswithout adequate investigations. From January 1, 2015, to December 31,2016,you invalidated nearly all (134 out of 139) initial OOS results andattributedthem to laboratory error. Although some investigations failed toclearlyestablish that laboratory error occurred, you did not conduct afull-scaleinvestigation to thoroughly review potential manufacturing causes andassesscommercial history to identify similar instances of high variation or OOSresults.
For example, you opened laboratoryinvestigationOOS/C/16/IN2/FP/011 after obtaining an OOS finished product assayresult of (b)(4)%(release testing specification: (b)(4)–(b)(4)%) for(b)(4)tablets USP (b)(4) mg, batch (b)(4). You discarded the originalvial thatyielded the OOS result, which violates your OOS procedure. Testing ofstock solutions,including (b)(4) and re-dilution, yielded slightlyhigher passing results((b)(4)%, (b)(4)%, (b)(4)%). Basedon a triplicate retest, you invalidated theinitial failing result withoutinvestigating the potential manufacturing rootcauses.
You had also obtained a low assay result for batch(b)(4),and again reported passing retest results without an investigation ofpotentialmanufacturing causes of the OOS assay result.
Your CAPA have often been limited to retrainingyouranalysts. Improvements in analytical methods and equipment were not generallyimplementedto enhance robustness and prevent errors.
In your response, you committed to track and trendOOSresults to identify specific tests and analysts who may be sources of therootcause. Additionally, you stated that your process for invalidating anOOSresult and accepting retest results will be more rigorous.
We acknowledge your improvements in human error riskmitigationand tracking OOS trends to identify more sustainable solutions. Wealso notethat you are endeavoring to improve your OOS procedures. However,your responsewas inadequate because your investigation procedure did notappear to besufficiently remediated. You also did not perform a retrospective assessment toidentify all OOS results which were invalidated without strongscientificjustification and clear evidence. Furthermore, your response did notreviewproduction to determine whether OOS results were due to potentialproblems inmanufacturing (e.g., in-process hold times), rather than an assumedlaboratorycause.
——印度Lupin Indore
2016年6月16日, FDA对印度 Lupin 公司一所设施的检查中观察到的批检验中无法解释的高差异率提出担心。该 483 中的第一个观察项关注未解释的差异,强调 Lupin 两年内在某些批放行和稳定性测试中的超标(OOS)结果中 87% 无效。
2017年4 月 3 日 Mylan 公司的警告信中提到其在印度Nashik 的工厂在 2016 年上半年中存在72% 无效 OOS 率。
2018.07.05 印度Baxter (Claris Injectable Ltd.)公司,稳定性研究中出现OOS结果,没有进行充分的调查,而是将结论归结未色谱柱柱效差,但色谱峰型正常,系统适用性满足要求,实验室管理人员说,保留时间,理论塔板数,拖尾因子显示均正常,没有找到根本原因,但重新复测结果符合规定,所以就作废了起始的OOS结果。
2018.07.05 印度Baxter (Claris Injectable Ltd.),稳定性研究的杂质项目出现OOS结果,第2名实验员重新配制样品并用原先老的色谱柱及新的色谱柱重新检测,结果老的色谱柱与新的色谱柱均出现OOS结果,但调查结论却是进样小瓶污染,这个结论没有足够的数据支持,通过复测留样,作废起始的OOS结果。
2018.07.27 中国珠海联合实验室,没有对OOS结果进行足够的调查,含量项目一个批次出现OOS结果,结果偏低较多,另一批次,再次得到OOS结果,简单的调查之后,就将结论归结到玻璃器皿没有彻底清洁,并作废了OOS结果,并将2个批次的样品进行了放行。
Dual sets of laboratory records and uninvestigatedOOS results
Our investigator also found that you failed todocument, investigate, and resolve out-of-specification (OOS) results in yourlaboratory. The investigator identified two sets of laboratory testing recordsfor four (b)(4) batches and five (b)(4) batches: one set of records includedOOS results; the second set included results within specifications. You couldnot provide evidence to support the passing results. You also failed to conductinvestigations for the OOS results. Your quality department acknowledged thispractice during the inspection.
——Warning Letter320-18-51吉林舒兰合成药业股份有限公司
Your original atomicabsorption analysis of (b)(4)sample 15/0871 was out-of-specification(OOS). A retest of the sample was alsoOOS. A third sample was retested andfound within specifications. Youinvalidated the OOS results withoutjustification or documented investigation.
——Warning Letter320-18-38 法国Quali-Controle&Quali-Controle C.E.BAC
Our review of your out-of-specification (OOS)investigations found that you lacked adequate procedures for investigating, andscientific justification to invalidate, OOS results.
OOS Results for Assay
You initiated an investigation of an initial OOSassay result for (b)(4) batch (b)(4), which was found to be significantly belowspecification ((b)(4)–(b)(4)%). You also initiated an investigation of aninitial OOS assay result for (b)(4) batch (b)(4), which also yielded a testresult below specification ((b)(4)–(b)(4)%).
你们对XX批次XX产品发起了一份含量严重低于标准的OOS结果调查。你们还发起对(b)(4)批次(b)(4)产品的初始OOS结果的调查,其也产生低于标准((b)(4) - (b)(4)%)的测试结果。
In both cases, your brief investigations found noanomalies and only stated that it was possible that the sample glassware wasnot thoroughly cleaned. Although you did not identify a laboratory error andlacked scientific justification, you invalidated the OOS results. Your firmreleased both batches based on passing retests.
Your acceptance of the passing results based on anassumed laboratory error was insufficient to invalidate the original failingresult and conclude the investigation.
Re-analysis of the actual solutions, test units,and glassware is an integral part of an investigation to determine whether alaboratory error may have occurred. This assessment, in tandem with hypothesistesting if initial re-examinations do not reveal a root cause, is instrumentalin determining whether there was a causative laboratory error. Whenever alaboratory investigation lacks conclusive evidence of laboratory error, it isessential that the investigation extends to a thorough investigation ofpotential manufacturing causes.
Your response acknowledged that there was “noscientific justification or studies performed to evaluate or prove thishypothetical root cause.”
Since our inspection, your indicated that you haveshown that the API may degrade in the presence of residual detergent inglassware. However, your response did not include your study data.
OOS Results for Residual Solvent
You initiated investigation P201611001 for aninitial OOS result of (b)(4) parts per million (ppm) in your (b)(4)residualsolvent test (specification: not more than (b)(4) ppm) for (b)(4) API batch(b)(4). The investigation did not reveal laboratory testing anomalies. Youtested another sample preparation three times and obtained results very closeto the specification upper limit ((b)(4), and (b)(4) ppm). You invalidated theinitial failing result, stating that your statistical analysis showed asignificant difference between the original value and the retest results. Yourinvestigation lacked further assessment of the root cause of the failingresult.
You released the batch to use as an intermediate inyour in-house production of (b)(4) batches of (b)(4) API (batches (b)(4)).
It is not appropriate to use an “outlier test” toinvalidate your API test results. Such statistical treatments do not identifythe cause of an extreme observation and are only of informational use. In thiscase, your investigation included multiple retests that were near the upperlimit of (b)(4) ppm, similar to the original OOS result.
Furthermore, your OOS investigation procedure,Q0100012.001, was inadequate because it did not adequately address the need toretest the original sample and specify when a new sample should be tested.
We acknowledge receipt of your revised OOSinvestigation procedure. However, your response is inadequate because it doesnot meet CGMP. Your response stated that you can use an outlier test indetermining whether to “waive the requirement for conducting appropriatelaboratory investigation to determine definitive or potential root cause(s) forthe atypical result(s).” It is inappropriate for your procedure to permitwaiver of this requirement. Your OOS procedure should specify that outliertests cannot be used for anything other than auxiliary, informational purposes.
Your response also indicated that your firm wasretrospectively assessing effects of previously-reported OOS results on yourproducts. However, your response did not provide related records to documentyour review or summarize findings. It is unclear whether the retrospectivereview included an evaluation of your use of the statistical outlier test toinvalidate OOS results.
Our review of yourout-of-specification (OOS)investigations found that you did not use adequateOOS procedures, and lackedscientific justification to invalidate initial OOSresults. For example:
a. Investigation reportOOS/2015/098 was initiated for an initial OOS resultin your related substancestest, where (b)(4)% and (b)(4)% (specification: notmore than (b)(4)%)was obtained for Impurity (b)(4) in (b)(4)API batches(b)(4)and (b)(4), respectively. Your investigation concludedthatover-sonication might have increased the temperature of the water bathandcaused degradation of the sample solution.
However, your investigationlacked evidence tosupport this possible root cause. Instead, yourinvestigation found that theanalyst only briefly sonicated the solution (forabout (b)(4)) at (b)(4)temperature. In addition, degradationstudies conducted as part of highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC)validation showed that heat degradationwas minimal even after (b)(4) atextremely high ((b)(4)o C) temperatures.
Although your investigationwas inconclusive, youdid not proceed to Phase 2 and investigate potentialcauses of the OOS resultrelating to deficient manufacturing and productquality.
——Warning Letter320-18-12 德国Fresenius KabiAG
Investigation reportOOS 50989 was initiatedfollowing initial OOS results for “relatedsubstances–unspecified impurities”for (b)(4) API stability batches (b)(4)and (b)(4). You concluded that the mostprobable cause of the OOSresult was contamination, although the source of thecontamination was notidentified or confirmed through your hypothesis study. Youinvalidated the OOSresults (as well as an additional failing retest from afresh sample preparationby a second analyst for batch (b)(4)) and reported the averageof sixretests. You failed to expand the investigation to review potentialcauses ofthe OOS result relating to deficient manufacturing and productquality.
——WarningLetter 320-18-12 德国Fresenius KabiAG
Your OOSinvestigation procedure 036/—/QS/QA permitsan analyst to abort achromatographic run if an apparent OOS is observed priorto completing analysisof all samples scheduled to be injected in the sequence.Your quality control(QC) manager confirmed that analysts abort HPLC analyses ifthey “expect toinvalidate” them later for an assignable cause. For example, youaborted theHPLC sequence of (b)(4) API batch (b)(4) while observingthechromatographic run on the screen (“online monitoring”) in which anindividualunknown impurity tested at (b)(4)% (specification: NMT (b)(4)%).Therewas no machine malfunction (e.g., unstable system) that would justifyabortingthe automated analysis.
Our investigators documentedapproximately 248instances of aborted sequences.
Your SOP was inadequate. Whenperforming a samplepreparation, it may be possible to identify an obviousmanual error at the timeof the mistake. In such a limited instance, it can beappropriate to discontinuethe sample preparation, immediately document thedeviation, and justify a newsample preparation. However, it is not appropriateto stop an in-progressautomated analysis because of an assumption that anearlier error may be causingan OOS result. Obtaining an unexpected result doesnot constitute an “assignablecause” and the assumption of such a cause is nota valid basis for interruptingan analysis. The automated analytical sequenceshould be allowed to proceed tocompletion, irrespective of the appearance ofundesirable analytical results onthe computer screen.
We acknowledge your commitmentto correct thisdeficient SOP. Your response was inadequate because yourcorrections did notensure that lab investigations will be started immediatelyafter obtaining anOOS result. You acknowledged that in about nine of theexamples referenced bythe investigator, the original samples were notre-injected due to samplesolution stability. Notably, your method validationdata show that some of thesesample solutions are stable for up to (b)(4) atroom temperature. Promptre-testing of the actual stock, working, and HPLC vialsolutions is essential todetermine if mechanical error or preparation errormay have occurred. Timelyinvestigations of potential original laboratorysample preparations areessential to provide clear evidence and credibility forlaboratory errorhypotheses.
Your response was alsoinadequate because your OOSprocedure failed to ensure that you proceed toPhase 2 whenever you lackconclusive evidence of laboratory error. A possiblelaboratory error isinsufficient to close an investigation at Phase 1. Inaddition, your procedureindicated that you can close an investigation when asecond analyst confirms theinitial OOS without moving to a Phase 2investigation. It remains unclearwhether all failing results would beinvestigated for their manufacturing rootcauses prior to closing aninvestigation. Further, even if an OOS result is notconfirmed by a secondanalyst, it should not be assumed that the initial OOStest result wasattributable to analytical error. Whenever an investigationlacks conclusiveevidence of laboratory error, a thorough investigation ofpotentialmanufacturing causes must be performed.
——Warning Letter320-18-12 德国Fresenius KabiAG
You obtained an initialout-of-specification (OOS)viscosity test result for (b)(4) Cream lot (b)(4).The next two retest valueswere also OOS. You failed to conduct laboratory andmanufacturing investigationsinto these OOS results, which included identifyinga root cause and implementingcorrective actions and preventive actions (CAPA).Instead, you rejected thebatch without conducting an adequate investigation.
——Warning Letter320-18-16 韩国AN Co. Ltd
We also found that youinvestigated numerous OOSresults between February 2015 and April 2017 as“incidents” and not as OOSresults. Your “incident” procedure did not require asubstantive investigationof OOS results. Your response acknowledgesthat this procedure was inadequateand that consequently your decisionsregarding OOS results were not supported bysufficient inquiry and scientificrationale.
——Warning Letter320-18-41印度KeshavaOrganics
During the inspection, our investigator reviewedthe electronic HPLC injection history for (b)(4) intermediate stability sample,batch (b)(4). The history indicated that the same vial was injected twice onJune 14, 2017. The first injection was not included in the final data packetprovided to the quality unit for batch review, and the intermediate batch wasultimately cleared for and used in manufacturing a finished lot of (b)(4) API,batch (b)(4).
According to your quality control analyst, thefirst injection appeared abnormal because it did not show a peak at theexpectedretention time. The second injection, within specification, was used toreleasethe batch. There was no documentation, explanation, or investigation oftheabnormal result of the first injection.
Our investigator also observed similar instances inwhich abnormal injections were disregarded without investigation.
In your response, you stated that you conducted adeviation investigation of batch (b)(4) on October 21, 2017, and you startedretesting retention samples of related batches at that time. Your response isinadequate because it lacks details of this deviation investigation. It also lacks a comprehensive assessment andremediation of your overall system for investigations of deviations, atypicalevents,complaints, out-of-specification results, and failures.
Invalidation of out-of-specificationresults lacksadequate scientific justification.
a) ReportOOS-CQC15067 relating to (b)(4)batch (b)(4) was reported “Unknown impurity peakis appeared under unknownreason”. Your firm explained this unknown peak as a“ghost peak” that appearsfrom time to time in chromatograms for undeterminedreasons. Without anindication of the cause of the out-of-specification, anattribution of “Laberror wasmade.”
b) ReportOOS-CQA16103 reportedout-of-specification of residual solvents in (b)(4). ThePhase I laboratoryinvestigation failed to identify a laboratory error. Thisinvestigationattributed the failure to “Pollution” from the environment duringsamplepreparation.
c) ReportOOS-CQC15103 due to a singleimpurity in (b)(4) batch (b)(4) ((b)(4)% against aspecification of no morethan (b)(4)%). This was assigned as a “Lab error” dueto “possible” residue inthe column. When inquiring about why this impurityspecifically eluted in the(b)(4) analytical test of the testing sequence, yourfirm again referenced a“ghost peak”.
(E) Your firm has invalidatedseveral Out-of-Specification (OOS) results obtained during the testing ofenvironmental monitoring as summarized below: You attributed several of them tohuman error which raises concerns about the ability of your laboratorypersonnel to properly conduct the required analytical testing. For example:
• OOS investigation, EMO/OOS/18-001 wasinitiated on 04/15/2018 for routine air monitoring sampling activity (nofilling) where the result for Location #(b)(4) found exceeding the acceptancelimits (b)(4) CFU (Action/Level Limit (b)(4) CFU). Your firm attributed theroot cause as human error through a deficient investigation and interview wherethe sampler lid might have not been properly sanitized before sampling in(b)(4) ((b)(4)). When interviewing the Analyst (Officer Micro) duringtheinspection on 01/21/2019 using the same questions raised in theinvestigation report, his response did not corroborate what is stated in theOOS investigation report conducted by your firm. For example, in the OOS reporthe said for Question 6 that “I have taken plates from PPM staging and loaded at(b)(4) trolley. After loading, air sampling was performed as per sequencementioned below: (b)(4). Again entered in Aseptic area and performed settleplate exposer following the sequence as above in each step, I have sanitizedthe hand while (b)(4)”, but in person on 01/21/2019 he said “Firstly, sequenceof (b)(4), it mentions in our SOP (QC2-128-13).” Your firm invalidated thefailing result through your interview process.
• OOS调查EMO/OOS/18-001于2018年4月15日启动,在XX位置常规空气监测取样活动中(未灌装)发现超出可接受标准XXCFU(行动限XXCFU)。你们的调查和面谈都是有缺陷的,你们的取样品盖可能在XX取样之前未进行恰当消毒,但你公司将根本原因归结为人为错误。在20190121检查期间与化验员(微生物管理员)面谈时,我们提出了与调查期间所提的相同问题,化验员的回答与你公司所做OOS调查报告中记载的不同。例如,在OOS报告中,他对问题6的回答是“我从PPM阶段取了碟子,放到XX推车上。放好后,按以下顺序执行取样。再次进入无菌区,按上述各步骤打开沉降碟采样,我在XX时进行了手消毒”。但在20190121,他说的是“首先,按顺序XX,在我们SOP(QC2-128-13)中有提及”。你们公司通过你们面谈过程将不合格结果宣布无效。
——Lupin Limited
Investigation OOS 310013508 opened for (b)(4)OOS results above the release specification of not more than (b)(4) ppm for lots (b)(4) of (b)(4) tablets was not thorough and did not follow procedure SOP GQA035 “Handling Out of Specification Results”. The investigation identified the use of (b)(4) tubes as a probable root causes, but could not confirm (b)(4) tubes were used in the preparation of the OOS samples. The investigation did not evaluate why the sample from lot (b)(4) that was prepared at the same time as the OOS samples did not detect any impurity.
OOS调查310013508是针对某批次片剂中XX超过放行标准,其调查不彻底,未遵守SOP GQA035“OOS结果处理”。调查认为使用XX管是可能的根本原因,但并不能确认在OOS样品制备中是否使用了XX管。调查并未评估为何与OOS样品同时制备的其它样品中未发现任何杂质。
——Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited
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