This questions and answers (Q&A) document addresses the questions most frequently asked by the applicants on matters related to variations to finished pharmaceutical product (FPP) subsequent to prequalification.
This Q&A document aims to provide clarification, and additional information, as needed, and should be read in conjunction with the WHO guidelines on variationsto a prequalified product and other guidance documents. This document will be updated regularly to reflect new developments.
1. What is thetimeline for implementation and review of a variation? Where can thesetimelines be found?
The implementation and assessment timelines for the various change categories areprovided in the section for Variations to FPP on the Prequalification of Medicines website. Each type of variation has its own approval mechanism and timeline, as summarized in the Variations Approval Mechanism and Timelines(PDF) table.
不同变更的实施和审评期限在WHO药品预认证网站的“Variations to FPP”栏目中可获取。每种变更均有各自的批准机制和期限,见变更批准机制和期限表(pdf)中总结。
annualnotification 年度通知(AN);
minorvariation微小变更 (Vmin);
majorvariation 重大变更(Vmaj) 四类)
For changes to an Innovator or Multisource (Generic) FPP Prequalified on the basisof SRA approval, please refer to SRA-approved Multisource (generic) or Innovator FPPs. The timelines are subject to change and will be updated, as and when appropriate. Whenever there is conflict, the timeline published onPrequalification of Medicines website prevails over the timeline included inthe variation guideline.
2. Should data tosupport the annual notification be submitted?
Anannual notification should be submitted with a completed annual notificationform, including a summary of the change(s) and the date(s) of implementation.The summary should be sufficiently detailed to enable the assessor to easily determine whether the appropriate reporting category has been used.
Whenan annual notification involves a change in specifications or standard testprocedures (STP) for an API or FPP, the signed and dated version of the revised specification and STP including the change history should be attached to the notification form.
For FPPs that have an agreed-upon Quality of Information Summary (QIS), the QIS should be revised and submitted with the revised sections highlighted. See morediscussion on the QIS under (3) below.
Additional associated documentation is not required to be submitted. However, the information used to support the change must be generated prior to distributing the product manufactured with the change, and should be available on request,or to WHO inspectors during an inspection. A summary of studies performed to assess the impact of each change on product quality should be provided in the application form, if applicable.
3. Do I need toupdate the quality information summary (QIS)for each variation application?
The QIS provides asummary of the key quality information from the product dossier which has been accepted by WHO PQ. It is a useful tool for post-prequalification activities,e.g. GMP inspections, variations and requalification of the product. The finalQIS also facilitates the information exchange between WHO and nationalregulatory authorities participating in the WHO collaborative registration procedure.
The QIS is a living document which needs to be revised each time a particular section is affected by a proposed change, and submitted as part of the variation package with any revised sections highlighted and the change history updated.
The applicant isrequired to update the “Applicant’s date of preparation or revision” section ofthe QIS whenever a revision is made to the QIS.
After a change isaccepted, the QIS represents the approved quality data in the product dossier,which should be used as the basis for any future application submissions.
If there is nochange to the QIS as a result of the variation, a statement should be made in the variation application form to this effect.
Pleasenote that if no agreed QIS was made available at the time of prequalification of the FPP concerned, a QIS is not required for submission of a variation.However, if a QIS was made available through requalification of the FPP concerned, a revised QIS should be submitted with the variation, if applicable.
4. For a groupedvariation, should I file an application form for each change separately?
Groupingof variations is acceptable only under the following circumstances.
(1) the variations are consequential to each other, e.g. introduction of a new impurity specification that requires a new test method
(2) the same change affects multiple FPPs from the same applicant e.g. addition of a new API manufacturing site for multiple FPPs
(3) each of the changes is of the AN type.
Agrouped variation should be filed in one application form, and will be reviewed as one application. For the purpose of classification, an application involving two or more types of variations will be considered to be of the highest risktype. For example, additional manufacturing site for an FPP for all the manufacturing processes (the new site has been satisfactorily inspected by WHO)with scale up of batch size at the new site (up to 10 times to the biobatch) should be submitted as a grouped variation of variation no.28c (Vmin) andvariation no. 30a(IN). The overall variation type is a minor variation, and the implementation and assessment timelines will therefore be those for a minor variation. The conditions and documentation for both changes should be considered and submitted in the application.
组合变更应填写在一个申请表内,并将视为一个申请进行审阅。出于分类目的,含两个或以上的变更类型的申请将被视为最高风险型。比如,成品制剂针对所有生产工艺增加额外的生产场地(新场地已经被WHO.检查符合GMP规范),在新场地放大生产批量(生物批量的10倍)应以变更28c (Vmin,微小变更)和变更no. 30a(IN,立即通知)进行组合申报。整体的百年更类型为微小变更,因此实施和评估时限依据微小变更进行。在此次递交中应考虑两项变更需满足的条件和文件。
5. For anadditional FPP manufacturing site, a minor variation may be submitted if the proposed site has been inspected and found GMP compliant by WHO or an SRA inthe last three years (variation no.28). Should a major variation be used if the GMP inspection for the proposed site was conducted more than 3 years ago?
针对额外的成品制剂生产场地,若拟议的场地在近三年内经检查且符合WHO GMP规范或SRA要求(变更号28),则上述变更是否以微小变更提交?若GMP检查在三年前开展,则上述变更是否以重大变更提交?
It is recommended that the applicant consults WHO PQ in advance when planning the submission(address enquiry to: prequalvariation@who.int).
建议申请人在计划此类递交前提前咨询WHO PQ(咨询邮箱:prequalvariation@who.int)
6. May a batchsize that has been accepted for one of the approved manufacturing sites of the product be implemented at the other approved FPP site? What change category should be applied for?
If a batch size hasbeen accepted for one of the FPP sites, it may be implemented at other approved FPP sites, and be notified to WHO as an Annual notification. The followingconditions should be fulfilled:
1) The change pertains only to immediate-release oral pharmaceuticalforms and to non-sterile liquid forms.
2) Manufacturing equipment used at these sites is similar, exceptcapacity differences.
3) Formulation, controls on starting materials, manufacturing process,in-process controls, specifications and packaging materials remain the same atboth sites.
4) The necessaryvalidations/qualifications at the other (proposed) site must be carried out asper cGMP prior to distributing the product and the data generated should bemade available for verification by the WHO inspection team or for evaluation byassessors when requested.
7. What is thevariation requirement when the heavy metals test is removed from API and/orexcipient specifications?
The change can be implemented and be notified to WHO as annual notification or when submitting arelated variation application for the affected product. The revised specifications of API and/or excipient (with version history) should besubmitted with the notification.
Information aboutthe elemental impurities in API or excipients should be available to the FPP manufacturer. The FPP manufacturer should conduct associated risk assessment on elemental impurities which should be available in case requested by assessorsor for verification by the WHO inspection team.
8. There is nochange category for a change in the variation guideline, what should I do?
A change that is notaddressed in the WHOguidelines on variations to a prequalified product (variation guideline) should be considered as a major change bydefault as per the guideline. This is to give WHO enough time to review the unclassified change. However, if the applicant believes that the change is unlikely to have major effects on the overall safety, efficacy and quality ofthe product, WHO can be consulted for classification of the particular change,by email addressed toprequalvariation@who.int. The email should contain sufficient details of the proposed change toenable WHO to provide advice.
Examplesof changes which are not described in the Variation guideline that should be submitted as major, or be reclassified as minor or notification, are given inappendix I and appendix II. Examples of changes that do not need to be filed as variation applications but should be handled as per GMP change control aregiven in appendix III. The appendices will be updated regularly to reflect new developments.
Appendix I:Examples of changes that should be submitted as major variations
(It remains the responsibility of the applicant to submit relevant documentation to justify that the change will not have a negative impact on the quality, safety and efficacy of the product)
1. Addition of new API source with a new APIMF.
2. Qualitative or quantitative changes in composition of the product that may have a significant effect on the quality, safety, orefficacy of the product (required to be supported by a bioequivalence study).
3. Addition of a new manufacturing site and/or new production block which has not been satisfactorily inspected by WHO or by an SRA.
4. Major change in the manufacturing process ofproduct that requires a new bioequivalence study, e.g. from dry to wet granulation, from one type of drying process to another for products containinginsoluble APIs.
5. Change inmanufacturing process that may affect the sterility assurance of a sterileproduct (e.g. change from aseptic processing to terminal sterilization or viceversa), including changes in the sterilization method for packaging materials(e.g. gas, dry heat, irradiation).
6. Change in thelimit of an impurity exceeding the ICH qualification threshold which requires supportive toxicological data.
7. Change in the qualitative/quantitative composition of primary packaging of a sterile product.
AppendixII: Examples of changes which are not described in the Variation guideline andcan be classified as minor change or notification.
(The category and required conditions, if applicable, are given for each specifiedchange. It remains the responsibility of the applicant to submit relevant documentation to justify that the change will not have a negative impact on thequality, safety and efficacy of the product)
1. Change in the manufacturing process of the FPP - Change in the holding time of anintermediate (Vmin)
Conditions:Supportive hold time study data are available.
2. Change inin-process limits (relaxation) for immediate release products based on trend data for a minimum of 10 consecutive commercial batches, e.g. hardness, blendfines, bulk density (IN)
满足条件 :
i. No change in the manufacturing process and specifications of the final product (except hardness,if applicable);
ii. Similarity of dissolution profile to the biobatch dissolution profile is demonstrated under routine dissolution condition (in the case of change in hardness)
3. Change in FPP specification - introduction of skip testing of microbial limit for non-sterile dosage forms (IN)
Conditions: Results for at least 5 commercial batches showing compliance with the acceptance criteria. At least one batch should be fully tested at regular intervals (onebatch for every 10 batches or one batch in a year, whichever is sooner). Full testing must be reinstated as soon as any batch failure is observed or conditions under which skip testing was approved are no longer met.
4. Elimination or reduction of an overage from the batch formula which was previously used to compensate for presumed manufacturing losses (IN)
Conditions: N/A
5. Change inlocation of manufacturing (including terminal sterilization of finished product) within the accepted facility or site with no changes to currently accepted formulation, batch size(s), manufacturing process, equipment,in-process controls, finished product specifications, and packaging materials.The Quality systems, standard operating procedures, and manufacturing batch records will remain the same except for administrative information (AN)
Conditions:The accepted facility or site, including the proposed location, has a satisfactory GMP status confirmed by WHO or by an SRA. Please note that such changes should follow proper change control procedures which should include but not belimited to risk assessment, qualification of new facility, equipment andprocess validation.
AppendixIII: Examples of changes that do not need to be filed as variation applicationsbut should be implemented as per GMP change control
1. Reduced testing frequency of API, excipients, packaging materialetc. by the finished product manufacturer on receipt of batches, whether the finished product manufacturer performs all of the tests listed in the approved specifications or accepts some of the results (except Identification) based on the certificate of analysis provided by the suppliers. The specifications should remain unchanged (a complete specification must be maintained for full periodic retesting). The reduced testing scheme should be documented and willbe subject to review during a GMP inspection. Normally periodic or skip testingshould only be implemented for the testing of regular commercial batches.
成品生产商在接收物料批次时,降低API ,辅料和包装材料的检测频率,不管是成品生产商开展已批准质量标准上所有的检测项目或接受供应商提供的分析报告上的部门结果(除定性检测)。质量标准应保持不变(在完整的定义复验时,应维持完整的质量标准)。降低频率的检测计划应进行记录并供GMP检查时审阅。通常,定期检测或跳检应仅在检测常规商业化批次时进行实施。
2. Reduced testingfrequency of in-process controls of intermediates (e.g. final blend, coretablets) based on trend data of a sufficient number of commercial batches (e.g.more than 10 batches). The specifications of intermediates should remain unchanged. The reduced testing scheme should be documented and will be subject to review during a GMP inspection.
The manufacturer needs to perform continued process verification to demonstrate that process iswell controlled. Full testing must be reinstated as soon as any batch failureis observed or if there is a change in the validated manufacturing process which might have a possible impact on the quality of product.
3. Changes to the dossiers including spelling mistakes, editorial revisions made to documents such as Validation protocol and/or Reports,Analytical Procedures, SOPs, Batch manufacturing records, for added clarity that have no impact on the safety, efficacy and quality of the product.
4. Change in the in-process controls performed at non-critical manufacturing steps (e.g. a process/step that has no impact upon purity and impurity profile or requires no specific facility considerations, such as,buffer and media preparation, storage of intermediates, and packaging)
5. Replacement of equipment with that of the same design and operating principle, when there is no change in the approved process methodology or in-process control limits. Anequivalency study is recommended.
However, for terminal sterilization of product, change from a qualified sterilizationchamber to another, the new chamber and load configurations are required to bevalidated to operate within the previously validated parameters. This will be verified during a GMP inspection.
6. Addition of a new GMP compliant storage warehouse for raw materials,and drug substance, packaging materials.
7. Change in supplier of excipients without a risk of TSE contamination and without change in the technical grade and specification.
8. Change in dimensions of secondary packaging.
9. Change in tertiary packaging components (including tertiary packsize) of drug substance or drug product that do not affect stability.
10. Change in thecolor, design of label art work without change in the contents
1.Variations to prequalified pharmaceutical products Frequently asked questions(FAQ)
https: // extranet.who.int/prequal/sites/default/files/documents/FAQ_Variations_Sept2018.pdf
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