ku1314520 一阶会员

关注: 35    |    粉丝: 37    |    积分: 368    |    威望: 0    |    访问: 4487
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:32 回答了问题
Medical endoscopes have several models, how tochoose the typical model for type test?
ku1314520: Generally, the following factors should be taken into accountin the selection of typical endoscopes in one registration unit:For endoscopes with diffe...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:31 回答了问题
Do medical optical endoscope and laser fiberoptics need to be tested for EMC?
ku1314520: Both medical optical endoscope and laser fiber opticsbelongs to the applied part of medical electric equipment. They don'have main supply connection. ...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:30 回答了问题
Do wireless accessories of the active medicaldevices need to be tested during the EMC test?
ku1314520: Whether the active medical device accessories need to betested for EMC has nothing to do with the connection form of theproduct, which mainly depends ...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:27 回答了问题
How to choose the operation mode in EMC test?
ku1314520:  The maximum emission operating mode shall be identifiedThe operation mode shall comprehensively and detailedly identifythe “function”described i...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:26 回答了问题
How to determine the essential performance ofimmunity test in EMC test of active medical devices?
ku1314520: “Essential performance’ refers to the achievement ofperformance of a clinical function, other than that related to BASICSAFETY, where loss or degradat...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:24 回答了问题
Is it necessary for EMC test together withinactive accessories in product composition?
ku1314520:  In general, equipment and devices used in EMC test, cablelayout and accessories in typical configuration shall be consistentwith those in normal...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:23 回答了问题
How to select EMC test samples?
ku1314520: If there are multiple models and accessories in theapplication registration unit of active medical devices, theadministrative counterparts shall take ...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:22 回答了问题
Is it necessary to associate EMC test report withelectrical safety test report?
ku1314520: During product registration and changing registration, EMCtest report and electrical safety test report shall be related to ensurethat the electrical ...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:20 回答了问题
the sproduct mode andspecification and instruction for division%?
ku1314520: According to“Guidance for Product Technical Requirementof medical device”, the product model and/or specifications shallbe clearly defined in the Prod...
ku1314520 在 2023-09-17 22:19 回答了问题
how to describe the computer in the productregistration?
ku1314520: If the active medical device is used with a general-purposecomputer, the computer may not be an composition components ofthe product, but the requirem...
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