
How is a design space initiallydeveloped and verified at commercial scale?

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kk444555 一阶会员 用户来自于: 广东省深圳市
2023-10-17 22:56

Both Agencies acknowledge that when adesign space is established at early stages of product development, it istypically developed based on experiments conducted at laboratory or pilotscale. The confidence in the design space at commercial scale can varydepending on the amount and type of development data generated and theknowledge of the scalability (i.e., the degree of scale dependency of thedesign space). Design space limits at commercial scale can be based on scale-upcorrelations demonstrated during development studies and/or experimentation. Inaddition, design space limits can be challenged with computational simulations.


The Agencies further acknowledged that thecommercial process is generally operated in a specific area of the designspace, sometimes called the NOR (Normal Operating Range). The NOR describes a regionaround the target operating conditions that contains typical operationalvariability. Initial process verification often occurs solely within the NOR atcommercial scale.

两家机构进一步承认,商业化工艺通常在设计空间的特定区域中操作,有时称为 NOR(正常操作范围)。 NOR描述了包含典型操作可变性的目标操作条件周围的区域。初始工艺验证通常仅在商业规模的 NOR 内进行。



2023-10-17 22:56
2023-10-17 22:56
1 人关注


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