kk444555 一阶会员

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kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:57 回答了问题
How can a design space beverified at commercial scale?
kk444555: It is not necessary to repeat at commercialscale the experiments initially conducted to define a design space at labor pilotscale. Furthermore, it is ...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:56 回答了问题
How is a design space initiallydeveloped and verified at commercial scale?
kk444555: Both Agencies acknowledge that when adesign space is established at early stages of product development, it istypically developed based on experiments...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:56 回答了问题
What is the purpose of design spaceverification at commercial scale?
kk444555: Design space verification demonstrates thatwithin design space boundaries scale-up effects are under control and do notadversely affect the expected p...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:54 回答了问题
Why would a design space beverified during the product lifecycle?
kk444555: In both Agencies’ experience, the designspace verification at commercial scale is not necessarilycomplete at the time of submission of the application...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:53 回答了问题
kk444555: Health-Based Exposure Limits should be established based on all available data, and particularly as the knowledge base for IMPs is continually evolvin...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:52 回答了问题
kk444555: The guideline on setting health-based exposure limits indicates that the carry over limit should generally be derived using the human HBEL.HBEL设定指南指出一...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:52 回答了问题
kk444555: If a HBEL cannot be determined or data cannot support manufacture in shared facilities then the Ectoparasiticides should be manufactured in dedicated ...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:51 回答了问题
Is the use of LD50 to determine Health-Based Exposure Limits for drug products acceptable?
kk444555: No, LD50 is not an adequate point of departure to determine a HBEL for drug products.不可以,LD50用于计算药品HBEL是不充分的。
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:50 回答了问题
kk444555:  Manufacturers cannot just segregate common products from other product types as a means of dealing with the risk to patient and animal safety. A...
kk444555 在 2023-10-17 22:49 回答了问题
What are the requirements for conducting visual inspection as per Q&A 7?
kk444555: When applying visual inspection to determine cleanliness of equipment, manufacturers should establish the threshold at which the product is readily vi...
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