
What is the difference betweenprocess validation and design space verification?

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kk444555 一阶会员 用户来自于: 广东省深圳市
2023-10-17 23:01

Design space verification should not beconfused with process validation. Both take into consideration prior knowledgeand development conclusions and are conducted at commercial scale, however the scopeof the studies are not the same. Whereasprocess validation demonstrates consistency of the process at normal operatingranges, design space verification demonstrates that scale effect and or modelassumptions are under control in the new area of design space and do not affectproduct quality. Unlike validation which covers all the steps of themanufacturing process, verification studies refer only to those operations wherea design space has been proposed.


In order to address the risks identifiedduring the risk assessment of operating in the unverified area of the designspace the verification studies may also include testing/monitoring ofadditional parameters or at an increased frequency as compared to the routinecontrol strategy.


When verification data proves that theextent of movement within the design space is of high risk (e.g. critical qualityattributes are met but close to edge of failure identified at laboratory/pilotscale), process validation (consistency of the process) in the new area of designspace (new NOR) should also be considered.

当验证数据证明设计空间内的移动程度具有高风险(例如,满足关键质量属性但接近实验室/中试规模确定的失败边缘)时,还应考虑设计空间新区域(新 NOR)的工艺验证(工艺的一致性)。

A protocol for design space verification shouldbe submitted in section 3.2.R. irrespective of the

validation approach. When a strategy forcontinuous verification is envisaged, where relevant, the elements of design spaceverification should be included as part of the continuous verification protocol.


It is understood that when an applicant candemonstrate that the design space is scale independent then a verificationprotocol is not requested in the dossier.


NB: Continuous Process Verification is analternative approach to traditional process validation in which manufacturingprocess performance is continuously monitored and evaluated (ICH Q8).

NB:连续工艺验证是传统工艺验证的替代方法,其中持续监控和评估生产工艺性能(ICH Q8)。

Appendix 2: FDA expectations




2023-10-17 23:00
2023-10-17 23:01
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