青云之上 一阶会员

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青云之上 在 2023-10-24 23:02 回答了问题
青云之上: Safety data sheets (SDSs), where available, can be found in the following databases:European Pharmacopoeia Reference StandardsWHO International Standa...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:58 回答了问题
What is the scope of the EDQM ISO 9001 certificate?
青云之上: EDQM因以下活动获得ISO 9001:2015认证:评估欧洲药典(CEP)专论适用性证书的申请,管理生产场所和相关经纪人的检查计划;医药产品上市后监测研究的规划、实施和协调以及相关数据库的管理;协调拟定和发布与官方控制机构批放行程序有关的指南,用于放行人类免疫药品(血液和疫苗)的批;管理欧洲药典文...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:53 发表了文章
第一部分:EMA与EDQM的简介欧洲药品管理局EMA (The European Medicines Agency,简称EMA)是隶属欧盟(EU)的一个机构,负责药品的评估和监管。主要职责是通过评估和...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:42 回答了问题
青云之上: All relevant up-to-date information is available in the Ph. Eur. Reference Standards Database. See also Ph. Eur. General Chapter 5.12 REFERENCE STANDA...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:41 回答了问题
What reference standards does the EDQM supply?
青云之上: The EDQM supplies the reference standards required for the proper application of Ph. Eur. monographs. You can find the list and the availability of th...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:39 回答了问题
青云之上: You can contact us via the EDQM HelpDesk. For information on how to use the EDQM HelpDesk, please see the HelpDesk User Manual.您可以通过EDQM HelpDesk联系我们。...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:39 回答了问题
青云之上: The EDQM provides chromatograms as follows:EDQM通过如下方式提供色谱图:1)In leaflets supplied with reference standards if required for their correct use as prescr...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:37 回答了问题
Can I use an in-house standard instead of a Ph. Eur. CRS?
青云之上: In-house standards may be used for routine analysis, provided that they are calibrated against EDQM reference standards. For more information, see Ph....
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:36 回答了问题
How can I obtain the impurities listed in a monograph?
青云之上: Only those substances that are necessary for carrying out the tests prescribed in the Ph. Eur. are available. In the monograph, the names of the impur...
青云之上 在 2023-10-24 22:35 回答了问题
What are the storage conditions for EDQM reference standards?
青云之上: EDQM storage conditions are given in the Ph. Eur. reference standards database. Products should be stored in such a way as to avoid degradation. Our s...
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