
hy has FDA cited use of actual samples during “system suitability”?

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kk444555 一阶会员 用户来自于: 广东省深圳市
2023-10-17 22:11

FDA prohibits sampling and testing with the goal of achieving a specific result or to overcome an unacceptable result (e.g., testing different samples until the desired passing result is obtained). This practice, also referred to as testing into compliance, is not consistent with CGMP (see the guidance for industry Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production). In some situations, use of actual samples to perform system suitability testing has been used as a means of testing into compliance. FDA considers it a violative practice to use an actual sample in test, prep, or equilibration runs as a means of disguising testing into compliance.

FDA禁止为实现特定结果或避免不可接受的结果而进行取样和测试(例如检测不同的样品直到获得满意的结果)。这种做法,也被称为检测至合格(testing into compliance),是不符合CGMP的(参考《对药品生产中出现超标(OOS)检验结果进行调查的行业指南》)。在某些情况下,使用实际样品来进行系统适用性测试已被作为检测至合格的一种方式。FDA认为在测试、预运行或平衡运行中使用实际样品作为掩盖检测至合格的手段是一种违规行为。

According to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), system suitability tests must include replicate injections of a standard preparation or other standard solutions to determine if requirements for precision are satisfied (see USP General Chapter <621> Chromatography). System suitability tests should be performed according to the firm’s established written procedures—which should include the identity of the preparation to be injected and the rationale for its selection—and the approved application or applicable compendial monograph (§§ 211.160 and 212.60).

根据美国药典的要求,系统适用性测试必须进行标准试剂或其他标准溶液的重复进样,以确定是否满足精密度要求(参见美国药典通则<621>色谱法)。系统适用性测试应根据公司的既定书面程序- 应包括待进样溶液的鉴别和选择依据—和已批准的申请或适用的药典专论来进行。(§§ 211.160 和 212.60)

If an actual sample is to be used for system suitability testing, it should be a properly characterized secondary standard, written procedures should be established and followed, and the sample should be from a different batch than the sample(s) being tested (§§ 211.160, 211.165, and 212.60). CGMP original records must be complete (e.g., §§ 211.68(b), 211.188, 211.194) and subjected to adequate review (§§ 211.68(b), 211.186(a), 211.192, and 211.194(a)(8)). Transparency is necessary. All data—including obvious errors and failing, passing, and suspect data—must be in the CGMP records that are retained and subject to review and oversight. An investigation with documented, scientifically sound justification is necessary for data to be invalidated and not used in determining conformance to specification for a batch (see §§ 211.160, 211.165, 211.188, and 211.192).


For more information, see the ICH guidance for industry Q2(R1) Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology and VICH guidances for industry GL1 Validation of Analytical Procedures: Definition and Terminology and GL2 Validation of Analytical Procedures: Methodology.15


VICH=Veterinary International Conference on Harmonisation.




2023-10-17 22:11
2023-10-17 22:11
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