ku13145 二阶会员

关注: 37    |    粉丝: 39    |    积分: 335    |    威望: 2    |    访问: 3335
ku13145 在 2023-11-01 13:29 发表了文章
ku13145 在 2023-10-22 08:20 发表了文章
ku13145 在 2023-09-17 16:50 回答了问题
How to determine the service life of active medicaldevices?
ku13145: The manufacturer should dynamically evaluate the servicelife of the product through risk analysis in the whole life cycle of theproduct. When there is...
ku13145 在 2023-09-17 16:49 回答了问题
How to determine the productcategory and classification code?
ku13145: There are many cases of combination products in activemedical devices.One product contains two independent functionalmodules, and each module belongs ...
ku13145 在 2023-09-17 16:47 回答了问题
doesthe original model need to be implemented with the newstandard requirements?
ku13145: For instance, the registered models are A and B,and thenew models are C and D. Then, for the new models, they shall beimplemented with the requirement...
ku13145 在 2023-09-17 16:46 回答了问题
What are the requirements for adding models oraccessories in the Change of Permission Items?
ku13145: The contents contained in one registration certificate shallcomply with the requirements of“Guidance of registration unitsdivision for medical device”...
ku13145 在 2023-09-17 16:45 回答了问题
the question abaot of non-medical device components?
ku13145:  For the non-medical device components, they are not allowedto be submitted separately, but can be submitted as components ofmedical devices.If t...
ku13145 在 2023-09-17 16:38 回答了问题
is it possible to register thehost and consumables together in the name of company A?
ku13145: (1) If the consumables of company B act on human body in aninvasive way, it is recommended to register separately.(2) If the consumables of company B ...
ku13145 在 2023-09-17 16:37 回答了问题
butonly part of the configurations was selected when submittedin China. Will it be accepted?
ku13145: When imported medical devices is submitted registrationin China, the scope of application of the medical device shall notexceed the scope when approve...
ku13145 在 2023-08-24 17:09 回答了问题
ku13145: 作为制造型企业,如何进行自身的生产能力评估,即'产能'有一个充分而客观的认识;以利于在制订实际生产计划中和人、物、机的配合。若以超出'产能'的工作量承载,情形会是有量而不能保质,难以满足顾客对质量和功能的要求;也会造成在制品与库存增加。如太少的'产能'又不能满足顾客的订单需求,同时也会造成成本浪费。...
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