
Is it necessary to associate EMC test report withelectrical safety test report?

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ku1314520 一阶会员 用户来自于: 广东省深圳市
2023-09-17 22:22

During product registration and changing registration, EMCtest report and electrical safety test report shall be related to ensurethat the electrical safety test sample is consistent with the EMC testsample.
During Registration Renewal, if only EMC performanceis tested, it is not required to associate with the electrical safetytesting report of the previous registration. Because after the productis approved and registered, the administrative counterparts shallorganize production according to the approved certificate to keepthe product unchanged from the previous registration, so it is notnecessary to associate when renewing the certificate.

During the validity period of the registration certificate, if thereis any change of the product that does not involve the Change ofPermission Items, the administrative counterparts shall carry outrelevant verification and validation according to the requirements ofthe quality management system to ensure that the change does notaffect the safety and effectiveness of the product. In addition, whenapplying for Registration Renewal, it shall state in the statementof no change of products for Registration Renewal: “the change ofproducts shall be controlled through the quality management system,and the items stated in the registration certificate shall not change”.



2023-09-17 22:21
2023-09-17 22:22
1 人关注
