Is there a framework that could be used to define the significance of the Health-Based Exposure Limit (HBEL) such that there can be broad guidance on the extent of Quality Risk Management (QRM) and control measures required?
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Firstly, it should be recognised that hazard varies on a continuum scale and that there are no firm cut off points, risk should be controlled on a proportionate basis. However, as a broad hypothetical model the following figure could be considered to show the increasing level of hazard (red being highest hazard) presented by products and there should be a commensurate increase in the level of control to prevent potential cross contamination in a shared facility. Actual HBEL values should be used in QRM studies to determine the actual controls required.
风险渐增基于健康的暴露限(HBEL)---- PDE
Diagram developed from an original concept published by ISPE. Source: ISPE Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide, Volume 7 – Risk-Based Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), Second Edition, July 2017.